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Phenomenology of the Quantum Fields As seen a rishon-like theory is derived from simple combinatorial math. At a given moment, a fundamental rishon is observed as a series of order (2) combinatorial expression elements. The observables are not the relating fundamentals but the series of order (2) expression elements of the relating fundamentals. These series of expressions constitute the fields of the standard model. The fundamentals exhibit two expression element types T's and V's. T type expression elements combinatorically are a positive one (+1) item in an order (2) combination and relate rishon objects, and V type expression elements combinatorically are a minus one-half (- 1/2) combination of two combining items and differentiate rishon objects. T type expression elements combinatorically are a negative one (-1) item in an order (2) combination and differentiate rishon objects, and V type expression elements combinatorically are a plus one-half (+½) combination of two combining items and relate rishon objects. T's and T's are the expression elements of the fundamentals that exhibit electromagnetic charge and V's and V's are expression elements of the fundamentals that exhibit no electromagnetic charge. T and T Groups are represented in the table by images with the cone under the semi-circle and V and V Groups are represented in the table by images with the cone above the semi-circle. The top and second row of images in table below represent T and V Groups and the third and bottom row of images represents anti-(T and V) Groups.
A subset of three fundamentals produce a local set of T and V Groups, which includes twelve T's, twelve V's and their anti-Groups for a total of 48 Groups. Click on the program below. (View The Video) On the rightsde of the table left click on the three fundamentals to cycle through its element Groups within the fundamentals set. To view T's and anti-T's type images, with the graphic set to the zero-image click the right or left arrow respectively. To view V and anti-V type images, with the graphic set to the zero-image click the up or down arrow respectively. The text boxes above each rishon image displays its associated quanta. Change the quanta by selection from the drop down box. The right most box of each row displays the sum of quanta in a row.