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Phenomenology of the Quantum Fields

As seen, a rishon-like theory is derived from simple combinatorial math. A fundamental rishon is observed as a series of order (2) combinatorial expression elements. The observables are not the relating fundamentals but the series of order (2) expression elements of the relating fundamentals. These series of expressions are the dimensional constituents the particles of the standard model comprise.
Chromodynamic Properties of Rishon Expressions Derived From Permutations of Groups of Rishon Images

T's and T's are the expression elements of the fundamentals that exhibit electromagnetic charge and V's and V's are expression elements of the fundamentals that exhibit no electromagnetic charge. T and T Groups are represented in the table by images with the cone under the semi-circle and V and V Groups are represented in the table by images with the cone above the semi-circle. The top and second row of images in table below represent T and V Groups and the third and bottom row of images represents T and V Groups.



  • There are unique T and V expression elements produced for any three relating fundamental rishons. Three relating fundamentals produce 144 element images that are constituents of 48 expression elements or T and V groups.

    Element images (cones and semicircles in the table) that appear white  are designated unexpressed. In addition, in the tri-colored graphics, the top and bottom cones placed to the left may be designated unexpressed because they are the T and V images of a common rishon fundamental comprised in the same image group or element. In this case, when the T and V images of a common rishon fundamental are comprised in the same element the third image, placed graphically to the right, has time reversed properties. This is the case for the tri-colored represented T and V groups or elements.

     There are unique expression elements produced for any alter/inter-relating rishons, or rishon fundamentals relating theoretically one with another (the tri-colored graphics in the table).

    • Note the T inter-relating or T generic rishons are assigned t=1, the quanta associated with Q, the electric charge. All other quanta are the same, except C the color charges are different.

    • Note the V alter/inter-relating or V generic rishons are assigned t=0, the quanta associated with Q the electric charge.  All other quanta are the same, except C the color charges are different and these have the opposite sign of the T generic rishons.

  • There are unique T's and V's produced for the self-relating or prime rishons of a fundamental (the single-colored cone with white cones in the semi-circles).

    • Note the T' prime rishon are assigned t=1 the quanta associated with Q the electric charge. All other quanta are  the same as the T generic rishons and only C the color charge is different.

    • Note the V' prime rishon are assigned t=2 the quanta associated with Q the electric charge.  All other quanta are different than the V generic rishons except the R-number while C the color charge is different and has the opposite sign of the T' prime rishon.

  • There are unique T's and V's produced for each dual-relating or flavor fundamental or the combination of each of two other fundamentals not relating to a given or third fundamental (single white cone with colored cones in semi-circle) .

    • Note the T! flavor rishon are assigned t=1 the quanta associated with Q the electric charge. All other quanta are different than the T and prime-rishons, except the R-number, while C the color charge is the same as the T' prime rishon, and it also has a F flavor charge.

    • Note the V! flavor rishon are assigned t=2 the quanta associated with Q the electric charge. All other quanta  are  different than the V' prime rishon except the R-number while C the color charge is the same and as the V' prime rishon, and it has a F flavor charge of opposite sign to the T! flavor rishon.

A subset of three fundamentals produce a local set of T and V groups, which includes twelve T's, twelve V's and their anti-groups for a total of 48 groups. 

Click on the program below. (View The Video) On the rightsde of the table left click on the three fundamentals to cycle through its element groups within the fundamentals set. To view T's and anti-T's type images, with the graphic set to the zero-image click the right or left arrow respectively. To view V and anti-V type images, with the graphic set to the zero-image click the up or down arrow respectively. The text boxes above each rishon image displays its associated quanta. Change the quanta by selection from the drop down box. The right most box of each row displays the sum of quanta in a row.

To display a group of images, after cycling to a particular image of a fundamental left click on the zero-image in a row below the fundamentals. As you display images in a set the particle type of the subset will be displayed. 
To zero an image, with the cursor over image press space bar or click the [x] buttom then click any image you wish to zero. Click [x] again to end function. To zero images in a row click reset button. To zero all images and reset program press escape. When occasionally images do not display correctly, zero the fundamental and the image, select type and image of fundamental again then set image again. If image is dragged by mouse, position image back in its place and right

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*The T and V  and and expressions of each fundamental constitute a field. This field comprises expressions of a given fundamental combining with every other possible rishon fundamental. The field of each fundamental has a zero value where/when corresponding expressions and anti-expressions exist bound and mutually anihilated. For example the corresponding expressions (AB, ). Unbound corresponding expressions and anti-expressions or bound non-corresponding expressions are excited states of the fundamental fields.

*Given three rishon fundamentals existing as a subset, the expressions of these rishons (exampled in the table), which represent order 2 combinations of the subset members only, we may assign to the color or chromodynamic field. Bound states of  non-corresponding expressions and anti-expressions are then excited states or quanta of the color field (gluons). For example (, BC) and (AB, )

, EC) (AB, ). These constitute photons and shift the subset configurations to (E, B, C) and (D, A, F). Such shifting of configuration represents the wave nature of composite expressions.

(, EC) (, EC)

The Particle Generations
*The T and V expressions combined with higgs fields expressions exactly predicts the particle generations. For example a configuration of three T or V expression composes a 2nd generation lepton. If such leptons whsn combined with the pairs of expressions (, BA) produces a generational shift to the 1st generation. Then such leptons then combined with the pairs of expressions (, AA) produces a generational shift to the 3rd generation.