MMF Flash and Java Applets. Click on each Applet to set the focus and activate. 



INGEST                  DIGEST                 ACTIVATE               INTEGRATE

For Students to Ingest Lesson Content with the Senses    TOP
Symbolically introduce numerical process to student in such a way as to encourage mental picturing of the symbolic presentation, but do not require student to independently reproduce symbolic numerical process. 
Over this period of introduction, tell student story or give description of life process to be used for whole body activity dramatizing numerical process. 
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*Introduce the numerical symbolic statement, written left to right, with the product written at the beginning of the statement .
*Initially work with the whole numbers 0 to 5 thereby covering the products 0 to 25. 
*Mental math statements are given as what (?) equals left numeral times right numeral. 
For example ? = 4 X 3. Count with the students by the left numeral counting as many times as equal the right numeral to reach the product.

For Students to Digest Lesson Content with the Whole Body   TOP
The dramatic activity provides a live or active picturing that aides recall of the student�s mental picturing of the symbolic numerical process. 
From the dramatic activity extract numerical statements to be solved by student. Student can now practice independently solving numerical statements but only problems extracted from dramatic activity. In a classroom setting, students can work on solving statements in groups.
Click Here, if application does not display.

Place mouse over numerals 
on the left and right of Gnome
and press up/dn arrows.


Instructional Poem
The Roly-Poly Gnome
Took an equal number
Of shiny precious stones
From each cavern he dug
And carried them all home.

For Students to Activate Active Picturing with Fine Motor Manipulatives   TOP
Have student practice verbal recall of the dramatic sequence while solving numerical statement. It might be helpful to write out the dramatic sequence in verse.
Coordinate verbal recall of dramatic sequence with presentation of fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus that likewise solve numerical statements.
For Students to Integrate Active and Mental Picturing   TOP
From fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus have student extract numerical statements for student to solve.
Have student verbally recall fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus while solving numerical statements.
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Steps to Demonstrate Simple Times on the Pythabacus
Step 0: Click To Activate
Step 1: Press Enter/Return
Step 2: Left Click a Gold Bottom Row Bead.
Step 3: Press Left Arrow Key.
Step 4: Left Click Another Gold Bead to the Right of the First and Press Left Arrow Key..
Step 5: Left Click Leftmost Gold Bead of Right Group and Press Right Arrow Key..
The solution to the Simple Times problem is equal the number of beads included in the quadrilateral of brown beads.
This quadrilateral is imagined as a cart in which a little gnome might take his harvest of stones home.
Continue down the page to see what a little gnome might do if he mines more stones then will fit in his cart.
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Steps to Demonstrate Not So Simple Times on the Pythabacus
Step 0: Click To Activate
Step 1: Press Enter/Return
Step 2: Left Click a Gold Bottom Row Bead.
Step 3: Press Right Arrow.
Step 4: Left Click Another Gold Bead to the Left of the First and Press Space Bar.
Step 5: Left Click Rightmost Gold Bead of Left Group and Press Left Arrow.

Finger Math Lessons

The extended and unextended fingers of the hands in Single Digit Vedic Finger Multiplication correspond one-to-one with the bottom row beads of the Pythabacus. For example following the steps above right click 2 then 3 gold beads to represent the factors 10-3 = 7 and 10-2 = 8. Likewise extend 3 fingers on one hand and 2 fingers on the other hand. Complete the steps above and note that the beads forming the quadrilateral in the middle equal the product of the extended fingers; the ones of this product equal the ones of the solution. The remaining bottom beads against the left post equal the total number of unextended fingers on the two hands, which added to the tens, if any, of the middle product equal the tens of the solution. The gold beads against the left post can be imagined as stones mined by a little gnome that would not fit in his cart, so he left them in neat stacks of ten to carry home at another time. Explore more products!

MMF Flash and Java Applets. Click on each Applet to set the focus and activate.


INGEST                  DIGEST                 ACTIVATE               INTEGRATE
For Students to Ingest Lesson Content with the Senses    TOP
Symbolically introduce numerical process to student in such a way as to encourage mental picturing of the symbolic presentation, but do not require student to independently reproduce symbolic numerical process. 
Over this period of introduction, tell student story or give description of life process to be used for whole body activity dramatizing numerical process. 
Click Here, if application does not display.
*Introduce the numerical symbolic statement, written in columnar format.
*Initially work with the whole numbers 0 to 5 thereby covering the products 0 to 25.
*Imagine the bottom number equals the number of spools required by the Princess to make one cloak (The Multiplicand) and the top number equals the total number of cloaks to be made (The Multiplier). The product is the total number of spools required to make all the cloaks.
*Mental math statements are given as what equals bottom numeral times top numeral. 
*For example, count with the students by the bottom numeral counting as many times as equal the top numeral to reach the product.
(Click center of times symbol to display answers).
For Students to Digest Lesson Content with the Whole Body   TOP
The dramatic activity provides a live or active picturing that aides recall of the student�s mental picturing of the symbolic numerical process. 
From the dramatic activity extract numerical statements to be solved by student. Student can now practice independently solving numerical statements but only problems extracted from dramatic activity. In a classroom setting, students can work on solving statements in groups.
Click Here, if application does not display.
Steps to Demonstrate Simple Times on the Pythabacus
Step 0: Click To Activate
Step 1: Press Enter/Return
Step 2: Left Click a Gold Bottom Row Bead.
Step 3: Press Left Arrow.
Step 4: Left Click Another Gold Bead to the Right of the First and Press Left Arrow.
Step 5: Left Click Leftmost Gold Bead of Right Group and Press Right Arrow.

The solution to the Simple Times problem is equal the number of beads included in the quadrilateral of brown beads.
This quadrilateral is imagined as the total number of spools required to make all the cloaks.
Continue down page to see what the Princess does when the total number spools is more than nine.


For Students to Activate Active Picturing with Fine Motor Manipulatives   TOP
Have student practice verbal recall of the dramatic sequence while solving numerical statement. It might be helpful to write out the dramatic sequence in verse.
Coordinate verbal recall of dramatic sequence with presentation of fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus that likewise solve numerical statements.
Click Here, if application does not display.
 Steps To Demonstrate 
Not So Simple Times on the Pythabacus

Step 0: Click To Activate
Step 1: Press Enter/Return
Step 2: Left Click a Gold Bottom Row Bead.
Step 3: Press Right Arrow.
Step 4: Left Click Another Gold Bead to the Left of the First and Press Space Bar.
Step 5: Left Click Rightmost Gold Bead of Left Group and Press Left Arrow.
The extended and unextended fingers of the hands in Single Digit Vedic Finger Multiplication correspond one-to-one with the bottom row beads of the Pythabacus. For example following the steps above right click 3 then 2 gold beads to represent the factors 10-3 = 7 and 10-2 = 8. Likewise extend 3 fingers on one hand and 2 fingers on the other hand. Complete the steps above and note that the beads forming the quadrilateral in the middle equal the product of the extended fingers; the ones of this product equal the ones of the solution. The remaining bottom beads against the left post equal the total number of unextended fingers on the two hands, 
which added to the tens, if any, of the middle product equal the tens of the solution. The gold beads against the left post can be imagined as bundles of ten spools of thread Princess times gives to large village sewing circles. Explore more products!
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Instructional Poem
The new village and farm
Sewing circles now twine
Spools of thread for each cloak
They make for Princess Times.
Princess Times counts the spools
Until there're more than nine.
The tens she gives the countess,
And the countess gives her fine
Big fluffy spiral bundles
She puts with the village twine.
Students explore regrouping to solve multiplication problems involving carrying. They learn to count, as does Princess Times, by the number of spools until they reach a number greater than nine. The tens part of this number they learn are bundles of thread that are carried over and added to other bundles. Use up/dn arrow keys to change numerals in the ones' place, the click center of times symbol to display answer.
For Students to Integrate Active and Mental Picturing   TOP
From fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus have student extract numerical statements for student to solve.
Have student verbally recall fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus while solving numerical statements.
Click Here, if application does not display.

Steps to Demonstrate Double Digit Times on the Pythabacus
Step 0: Click To Activate
Step 1: Press Enter/Return
Step 2: Left Click a Gold Bottom Row Bead.
Step 3: Press Left Arrow.
Step 4: Left Click Another Gold Bead to the Right of the First and Press Left Arrow.
Step 5: Left Click Another Gold Bead to the Right of the First and Press Left Arrow.
Step 6: Left Click Leftmost Gold Bead of Rightmost Triangle Representing the Bottom Number of the Problem and Press Right Arrow.

Step 7: Left Click Leftmost Gold Bead of Second Triangle from the Left Representing the 1's of Top Number and Press Right Arrow. Push this Triangle Back to the Left.

The 1's of the solution to the Double Digit Times problem are equal the number of beads included in the Rightmost and Lower quadrilateral of brown beads.

The 10's of the solution to the Double Digit Times problem are equal the number of beads included in the Leftmost and Upper quadrilateral of brown beads.